TOR of: Service Provider- Community organizing trainer
TOR of: Service Provider- Community organizing trainer
Request No:
Date of Order: 12-July-2023
Dawlaty is a non-governmental organization that works with Syrian civil society partners and marginalized groups, in particular, young men and women, to achieve a democratic transition in Syria. To do this, Dawlaty often organizes workshops, webinars, and gatherings to shed light on the important matters at hand as well as try to bring the voices of its beneficiaries to the forefront of the discussion.
Within the framework of (Organizing Women for Gender Justice, which aims to support and empower women’s groups in the field of women’s rights and political participation, and then implement local initiatives that serve women’s issues in local communities.)
2-Location and Duration
Location: Remotely
Starting Date: the start is on the 15th of September 2023 and ends on the 30h of October .
Duration: in total 30 days
Working hours: 45 hours
3-Scope of Work:
Under the project (Women organizing for Justice in Syria )which aims to expand the knowledge and skills for and of women-led grass-root groups and female activists to challenge the traditional power structures and create new models of political engagement, organizing, and leadership. The service provider shall provide training on the subject of community organizing to a group of female trainers affiliated with the partner organizations in the project -Developing a material about community organizing and taking the suggestions of my Dawlaty’steam while working on developing the material.
-Training participants from partner organizations on the material developed.
-Submit a report at the end of the training.
4-Responsibilities of Dawlaty:
1-Providing the necessary facilities for the success of the training and facilitating the work of thetrainer as much as possible.
2-Coordination between the trainer and partner organizations to organize meetings, and to settraining dates and focus groups.
3-Preparing the payments for the trainer and sending them after completing the delivery of therequired reports and commitments.
5-Responsibilities and Deliverables of the Service Provider:
❖The service provider must prepare a work plan including (methodology of working, basictopics of the training material, timetable) after signing the contract.
❖The service provider must develop Training material on the topic of community organizing.
❖The service provider must amend the Training material in accordance with the needs of thepartners and the suggestions of specialists within the Dawlaty team.
❖The service provider must train the previously developed Training material for a group offemale trainers affiliated with the partner organizations in the project.
❖The service provider must prepare the Training material in written form in addition to theform of a presentation)Powerpoint(
❖The service provider should conduct focused sessions to develop the Training material withpartner organizations or Dawlaty’s team as needed
❖The service provider shall submit a report after completing the training.
❖The service provider must ensure delivery in the form and within the period required.
❖Maintain the information and confidentiality provided

Fee quotations shall cover all expenses including but not exclusive to bank charges, VAT taxes, and any other expenses which may be incurred by the service provider.
In order for the payment to be processed by Dawlaty, the following documents must be present with each payment:
1.Timesheet/ Task Sheet
3.Deliverables (if receivable)
4.Service Receipt Note SRN / GRN
The Service provider’s invoice will be paid by Dawlaty within thirty (30) Working days of receipt of the invoice and accept the service by Dawlaty. Payment will be made as Contract Currency.
The payment will be transferred via BANK
8-Inspection of Services
A. Definition. “Services,” as used in this clause, includes services performed, workmanship,and material furnished or utilized in the performance of services.
B. Dawlaty retains the right to inspect and test all services called for by this Contract, to theextent practicable at all times and places during the term of the Contract. NGO Nameshall perform inspections and tests in a manner that will not unduly delay the work.
C. If Dawlaty performs inspections or tests on the premises of the Contractor or asubcontractor, the Contractor shall furnish, and shall require subcontractors to furnish, at no increase in contract price, all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safe and convenient performance of these duties.
D .If any of the services do not conform with Contract requirements, Dawlaty may requirethe Service Provider to perform the services again in conformity with Contractrequirements, at no increase in Contract amount. When the defects in services cannot becorrected by performance, Dawlaty may—
a.Require the Service Provider to take necessary action to ensure that futureperformance conforms to Contract requirements; and
b.Reduce the Contract price to reflect the reduced value of the services performed.
E .If the Service Provider fails to promptly perform the services again or to take thenecessary action to ensure future performance in conformity with contract requirements,Dawlaty may—
a. By contract, perform the services and charge to the Service Provider any costincurred by Dawlaty that is directly related to the performance of such service; or
b. Terminate the contract for default.
9-Minimum Qualification Requirements:
-Main Qualification Requirement:
❖3-4 Years of experience in training and preparing training materials
❖Experience with advocacy, community organizing strongly preferred
❖The ability to complete multiple tasks at the same time.
❖Knowledge of gender, human rights, civil society, civic and democratic values, andcivil activism is essential .
❖Experience working in conflict-sensitive settings, particularly with CBOs, vulnerablegroups and cross conflict border contexts.
❖Knowledge of and experience working in the Syrian context Preferred Qualification Requirement: ❖Excellent communication and facilitation skill
❖Excellent communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills
10-Documents required to be submitted:
Qualified candidates are encouraged to apply by sending.
1-Technical offer or CV or profile
2-Financial offer or fill in the table in the Article 7 payment terms.
3-Previous working samples. (Preferable.)
4-Sign and stamp all TOR pages.
11-Selection Process
-We will review applications on a rolling basis so please apply as soon as suitable.
-A shortlist will be selected for the interview.
-only shortlisted applicants will be contacted
-Technically acceptable offers will be financially evaluated only
-The Lowest price offer will be awarded
Dawlaty is an equal-opportunity employer. we highly respect and value diversity and ensure thatall qualified applicants receive consideration based on required experience and capabilitiesregardless of their race, color, gender, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, religion, disability, ormarital status. All Dawlaty contractors are prohibited from engaging in any form ofdiscrimination, harassment, exploitation, or abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, or verbal) or inany other way to breach the rights of others to thrive in a safe and supportive environment. Weconsider Humanitarian Principles an integral part of our work. We are fully committed topromoting the recognition of human rights, especially safeguarding children, women, and adultsat risk. We are accountable to those in the communities we serve and as such. As ourresponsibility to ensure that, as an organization, we do not contribute in any way to harming orexposing those communities to further risk. Dawlaty applies zero tolerance to any act ofexploitation, abuse, harassment, and discrimination in every aspect of its work. Therefore, as partof our Contracting process, a range of pre-Contracting checks/screenings will be conducted inconformity with Dawlaty’s Safeguarding Policies.
13-How to apply:
-Send your offer To: HR@dawlaty.org
-Application Closing Date:10 August 2023.
-Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
-Applicants should include the following subject heading in their email communication“Application: TOT trainer.
Note: please fill the payments tables in the following document and send it to Hr@dawlaty.org